
On Praise for the Collegian

I don't usually have much good to say about the Daily Collegian (this is, after all, the paper that once referred to me as a "professor of astrology"), but there have been two good opinion columns about Meech:

Here is today's Collegian Editorial, and it is pretty eloquent.

Here is a "My Opinion" column from yesterday's paper -- also quite well written.

I'm a little surprised, mostly because the student newspaper really has no institutional memory, so I imagine that the name John Amaechi meant nothing a week ago to the Collegian writers. And since basketball really isn't a big deal here (really, since the Meech days), it's not like his name holds the same sense of history as Conlan or McDuffie or any other football player that played here when the Collegian writers were still finger painting.

It seems that John's coming out has really been seen very positively, outside of the Salt Lake Tribune's sports department at least. So once again, good for him. I hope that he feels better about having finally gone public.

(by the way, I searched the Collegian archive, and someone must have requested a correction, because I'm no longer listed as an astrologer in the article from 2001).


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