
On a Stereotype

I'm driving and see a car barreling down a sidestreet towards the intersection at the same time I'm about to reach that intersection -- I'm driving straight he/she has a stop sign. I'm worried they're not going to stop, so I slow down, but they stop. As I pass, I notice it is a police car. I'm driving about 38 or 39 mph and look and see the speed limit is 35 mph. Seeing as how I now have a police officer behind me, I slow down to 35.

Police officer seems impatient behind me, but I'm not about to speed up and exceed the speed limit. Cop turns on his lights. I don't think he wants to pull me over, but I have no choice, so I veer onto the shoulder. Officer zooms past me, making me think he's on a call. About 10 yards past me (no joke), he turns off his lights, and about 100 yards ahead of me, he pulls into a diner / bakery parking lot.

I'm *really* hoping that the place called 911 to report a crime in progress, but I suspect that he almost hit me and pulled me over because he wanted a slice of pie. I don't think the place sells donuts.


Blogger Pat D. said...

Mmmmmm...donuts. Well, if it was a Tim Horton's, I might give the guy a bit of a break. (OK..actually, I wouldn't). But in State College, I know they do not have them, so I cannot see what the rush was aboot.

4:23 PM  

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