
On Mikey beating me to the punch

It is getting downright scary.

Even though I doubt we will ever vote for the same candidate in any election ever, Mikey's keeps posting thoughts that are identical to mine. For example, on Plame. I intended to write essentially the same thing, but didn't get to it. What I will add (that he didn't mention) is that every story I read said the same thing -- she was even tempered and stated very matter of factly exactly what happened. I think her testimony will be held up for a long time as a milestone in the unraveling of the current administration. The thing that amazes me is that she was working covertly to gather intelligence on WMD when they blew her cover. I forget, wasn't that supposed to be important for some reason?

Of course, Mikey's thesis (that the pundits would not own up to the fact that they were wrong) has already been proven true, as this story about Hume accusing her of lying under oath makes plain.


I suppose as long as I am driving my 1-2 visitors to Mikey's blog, I should also point out that I agree with this, too. I wonder if anyone on the right is paying attention that this was not written by me, or by a HuffPo blogger or by Bill Maher or by any of the other people that they have already written off as potential voters for their candidates, but by someone who hopefully *used* to vote for their candidates.


I can dream, right Mike?


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